This family-friendly coloring book celebrates fifteen of Los Angeles’s forgotten heroes through coloring pages, biographies, location descriptions, and activities. Its thirty-four pages give readers—whether they are young or old, L.A. history buffs or people just starting to learn about the city—a fun and interactive way to explore. The book is published by BEST Friends of Los Angeles Public Library, a library support group. Proceeds help sustain library programs.
Our celebrated heroes and locations are:
- J. L. Edmonds, Los Angeles City Hall
- Yiu Hai Seto Quon, Chinatown
- Miriam Matthews, Hyde Park Miriam Matthews Branch Library
- Luisa Moreno, Great Wall of Los Angeles
- Gabriel Avedis Injejikian, Holy Martyrs Ferrahian School
- Barbara Ann Drake, Tongva Living History Garden
- Patricia Era Bath, Powell Library, UCLA
- Hashem Ahmad Alshilleh, Wadi-e-Hussain Cemetery
- Julia Bogany, Los Angeles State Historic Park
- Mark Kostopoulos, Los Angeles County+USC Medical Center
- Rosary Celaya Castro-Olega, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
- Edward Howard, Skid Row City Limit Mural
- Ignacio “Nacho” Nava Jr., La Cita
- Jessica Orozco, California Botanic Garden
- Octavia E. Butler, Los Angeles Central Library.
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